Privacy Policy

Your privacy is respected and protected at Serenity

Any personal and sensitive information collected will be kept strictly confidential and will not be sold.

Sensitive information – Health history information, treatment notes, and next of kin details are collected and processed, on the basis that this is necessary for us to provide safe and effective services.
Personal information – Name, address, email address and phone number are collected and processed, on the basis that we require to contact clients regarding their appointments or their treatments.



Sensitive Information and Personal Information on paper is stored in a securely locked area.

Personal Information is securely stored online on servers, some of which are located outside of the EU. Contracts are in place to provide safeguards to your data. Where servers are located in the USA, data processors are ‘US-EU Privacy Shield Participants’ or are compliant with the ‘Standard Contractual Clauses’.
Please see here for more information relating to our online booking system, ‘Ovatu’.
Please see here for more information relating to our marketing partner, ‘Mailchimp’.
Please see here for more information relating to our backup partner, ‘Dropbox’.


Contact Form

Please note, when submitting your name and email and any other details above, you are agreeing for these details to be emailed to Serenity. Any details passed to us will be stored and processed in line with our Privacy Policy, in order to process your request and/or contact you if necessary. They will not used for anything else.



Information will not be disclosed to any third party without clients’ consent, except where required by regulations.

To avoid issues with consent, we no longer use cookies to analyse whether you have clicked through to our booking page. If you consent to marketing offers, information regarding your attendance may be processed in order to provide you with offers relevant to you.



Sensitive Information is securely destroyed 7 years after your most recent appointment. In the case of minors, the time period is extended to 7 years after they reach the age of majority.

Personal Information which is associated with Sensitive Information will destroyed in line with the policy on Sensitive Information.
Personal Information which is associated with our financial records will be deleted 6 years following the end of the accounting year to which the records apply.


Rights regarding your information:

You may request a copy of your information at any time. You may request that any erroneous information is corrected. You may request deletion of your information (where we are not obliged by regulations to store the information for a set period). You may request that we stop processing your information (where we are not obliged by regulations to pass on your information). You may make a complaint to a supervising authority.

Any requests should be made by contacting:

Leanne Wallace

Burnfield House Business Centre

4a Burnfield Avenue


G46 7TL